I believe very, very strongly in loving all people. I believe that it is built into our DNA. We cannot truly be happy or experience any lasting sense of fulfillment if we are causing others pain or suffering. While there are people who seem to raise inflicting suffering on others to an artform, I am convinced that they are the most miserable people in the world. I have known many selfish, mean-spirited, hateful people in my 66 years. In every instance I can think of there is only one thing worse than having to deal with these people. That one thing is having to be these people.
It is also in my nature based upon my spiritual background to believe that I am supposed to always have the strength never to cut ties with anyone, regardless of how toxic that person may be to me.
But is that a healthy approach to life that will enable me to be loving to the most people? Can limiting or entirely shutting down interaction with people who are toxic (to me) be needed for me to express love to more people?
Over this past year I have realized that there are people in my life who drain more emotional energy from me than I have to give. I have decided to make the loving (to me) decision to severely limit my interaction with them.
For me, there is a trick to doing this. Can I do this while being open to a future restoration of the relationship if certain dynamics change? Can I do this without having to vilify the person? After all, it may be that this person is not a “bad” person. It may simply be that their personality does not mesh with mine. So often I end up justifying the limiting of a relationship by making the other person out to be “bad.” Perhaps they are making unwise, harmful choices. So do I. It might just be that our personalities and perspectives on life are so diametrically opposite from each other that it is impossible to be in a healthy, mutually beneficial, relationship. I have come to realize that limiting or cutting off a relationship with a person who is toxic to me can be the most loving thing I can do. It is a way of loving myself that enables me to be better empowered to love others.
Are there some people in your life that are toxic to you? They are sapping your energy and draining your ability to make a positive difference in the lives of others. It is no sin to make the choice of limiting the amount of toxin (poison) someone is pouring into your soul.
Think about it.
You are loved. Peace.