This month has been designated as Pride Month for the LGBTQ+ community. I would like to take a moment to state my alliance with, and affirmation and support of these people. There was a time that I could not have said this. Religious beliefs and views of “acceptable” and “normal” that I had been raised with and taught condemned this community.
I was wrong.
This post is not intended to change the mind of those who may continue to cling to those kinds of beliefs without being willing to listen with open minds and hearts. Frankly, it was people with this kind of mindset who were the final straw in my decision to turn away from 32 years of being a pastor.
The purpose of this post is one of encouragement.
If you are part of the LGBTQ+ community but deal with negative feelings about yourself because of who you are, I want to encourage you to not take delivery of judgmental, condemning bullshit being dumped upon you. You have been created just as special and unique as anyone else. You are just as worthy of love and acceptance as any cisgender heterosexual person.
Take PRIDE in being who you were created to be.
If you are an ally of this community. then I encourage you to always be looking for those opportunities to encourage and affirm them. Be willing to stand with them when they are being attacked, emotionally and/or physically. Be especially vigilant to affirm and encourage young people in the LGBTQ+ community. You can literally be saving their life. Young people, especially transgenders, in this community are at great risk of committing suicide. One affirming person can drastically reduce this possibility in someone’s life. Let them know you are proud to be someone who can help them take PRIDE in who they are. Let them know there is someone who affirms, accepts, and applauds them.
Think about it.
You are loved. Peace.