As I look back on my life I see that there are some very unflattering labels that could be validly applied to me at various points of my life. Labels such as racist, bigot, narrow-minded, and homophobic are several that readily come to mind. Of course, the times when I was most deserving of these labels would have also been the times when I would have protested the most about not deserving them.
Here is the thing. I would like to hope that anyone looking at my life would be understanding of the factors that played a part in causing those kinds of attitudes on my part at the time. Don’t misunderstand me at this point. I am not trying to shift my responsibility for the choice I made to have and defend those harmful and unwise attitudes. I am simply saying that I would hope for a spirit of understanding for why they were a part of me and patience with my continuing journey of trying to eradicate them more fully from my life.
With that said, I must look at myself and ask, “How willing am I to give the kind of understanding and patience to others who are or have been guilty of such negative behavior and attitudes?” What right do I have to hope for receiving such treatment if I am unwilling to give it?
What if each of us would begin to practice giving all others the same kind of understanding and respect that we want to receive from them? How might the world be transformed by such attitudes?
What if I can give that kind of respect even if it is not given to me? If I am unwilling to do this am I not actively participating in behavior that will fail to make this world a better place or encourage others to change their negative, unwise behavior.
Think about it.