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Love Yourself

For this week’s post I want to sort of piggy-back off of last week’s post. One of my main points from my “Connectedness” post was that even the smallest act or word of kindness spurred by love has a positive effect far beyond what we believe possible.

The perspective of last week’s post was an outward view. The ripple of the loving word or deed originates with and flows outward from the one causing it. But, what if that effect is not just one which flows outward from us? What if it is also having a life changing, positive, and healing effect going inwardly to the one responsible for the loving word or deed?

Current reading that I have been doing tells of the growing amount of scientific data that supports the case for this idea.

Negative energy from prejudice, anger, hatred, worry, fear, unforgiveness, and other such attitudes and emotions causes stress for our bodies. This stress causes chemical reactions that reduce the body’s natural healing power and can even cause ailments, pain, and disease. However, when we develop and enhance positive attitudes and emotions such as love, forgiveness, acceptance, understanding, joy, peace, compassion and so forth our bodies release chemicals that reduce stress and facilitate healing. I am even reminded of a favorite passage of the Bible from my time as a pastor that I believe supports this approach. I direct to the passage from Galatians 5:19-26. I invite those of you reading this who appreciate scriptural backup to take a moment to look this one up.

What if having the desire that “I'd like to teach the world to sing in perfect harmony” (am I telling my age?) is not only changing them for the better? What if just as importantly it is changing me for the better also?

Think about it.

You are loved – peace!


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