On November 9-10, 1938, an event that has come to be called Kristallnacht occurred. This event was marked by the incarceration of some 30,000 minority peoples, thousands of homes and businesses being smashed and looted, hundreds of houses of worship being torn up, and hundreds of deaths. The reason for this, in short, came about because of one group of people scapegoating and stereotyping a minority group of people as being the cause of most of the problems being faced by this majority group. This majority group also believed themselves to be better than and victimized by the minority group. (Click here to learn more about this event.)
I reference this event because of a radio ad I heard this past week that scares the shit out of me. On a mainstream oldies station that I often listen to there was an ad proclaiming that it is the white people of this nation who are the victims of racism. This is not an overstatement or exaggeration of the ad’s claim. When I heard it my jaw just about hit the floorboard of my truck. Fear filled the pit of my stomach. And my first thought was of the previously mentioned event and the worldwide conflagration that ensued shortly thereafter.
I am a person who does my best to be tolerant and understanding. But, in this blog, I am beyond that. If you find yourself agreeing with the sentiment of the ad that I have talked about, then your attitude and opinion are absolutely, loathsomely wrong! It comes from hatred, arrogance, and/or ignorantly believing misinformation and outright lies. I make this statement as someone who used to believe these lies myself. I was wrong. If you are holding on to this attitude, then you are wrong. There is no, “But they …” or “Everyone is racist” that can be tolerated. You are holding an attitude that victimizes and harms another group of people.
It is time for those who realize this to speak out and not be silent or make excuses for those who are believing this bullshit about white Americans being the victims of racism.
Think about it.