Some nine or ten months ago a doctor saw something on a CT scan that I had to have done which caused her alarm. She immediately set things in motion for me to have a biopsy done. Thankfully it turned out to be benign. But, in the intervening couple of weeks between when she noticed the mass and when I had the biopsy done, I was a very concerned (read “scared”) person. It caused me to do a lot of reading about health issues. In the interest of brevity, let me say that one of the most important things I discovered was how much of a negative impact stress can have on a person’s health. This is true of someone’s mental, emotional, and physical health.
There are many strategies that can be used to combat stress. Things such as major life changes, prescription drugs, and counseling or psychological therapy are a few approaches that can be explored.
I want to share with you something that has helped me to deal with stress. First, let me be clear that this way I am going to share is not offered to take the place of the other ways I have talked about. If what I share with you does not make a significant difference in your ability to cope with stress then please, I urge you, seek help from a source that can direct you to a strategy that works. Chronic stress can lead to drastic negative consequences for your life.
With the above proviso, let me offer a very simple practice that I have found very helpful. Ready?
Just breathe.
I can hear you saying, “Just when I thought he could not say anything more stupid he goes and proves me wrong. What person who is still alive is not going to breathe?”
True, all of us have to take air in and let it out if we are living. What I am talking about, however, is something that can be called mindful breathing. You find yourself tense, scared, stressed, angry, and/or worried. You feel your muscles tense and your breathing is in short, shallow breaths. Pause a moment. With full concentration think about the next breath you are going to take. Breathe in slowly and deeply. Draw in the breath from the pit of your stomach. Hold it for a few moments. Then let it out slowly. As you draw your breath in be aware of the tension, fear, anger, or whatever is just balling your spirit into a knot. As you release your breath imagine that negative energy flowing away from you with the air you are expelling from your body. I think you will be very pleasantly surprised at the positive and calming effect this will have on your mental, emotional, and physical being.
Is it a magic bullet that will just make all your troubles instantly disappear? Nope. But it can help put you in a frame of awareness that makes you better able to deal with whatever issue is causing you stress.
I encourage you the next time you are feeling stressed, take a few minutes and just breathe. If it does not help, then you have lost nothing. But, if it in any way reduces your stress, then it has helped you in a very positive way. That is what I am seeking to do with this post – help you achieve a more positive life.
Just breathe.
Think about it.
You are loved. Peace.