Today is a very special day to me. It is a day that I get to remember in a special way the wonderful woman who gave birth to our three very special children. I had the unique experience of being in the room with her as each of them were born. No words can fully do justice to that time.
This day also reminds me of my own mother who passed away in August of 2013. I always tried to call and/or send a card to her on this day to let her know how much I loved her. As her birthday happened to be on May 10 this day sometimes marked that event as well.
Let me take a moment now to wish all of those women who are reading this post and have given birth a very happy Mothers’ Day. You are special. In my estimation there is no job, calling, career, or office that is more important than the task of trying to nurture and support someone from conception to and through adulthood.
But, I would like to expand the concept of all those whom I believe deserve recognition on this day.
I commend those women who may not have physically bore children from their own womb. However, you have partnered with someone who conceived children with another partner. You chose to be diligent and caring to these people in as loving a manner as any birth mother could. You, also, deserve special recognition on this day. Happy Mothers’ Day to you.
Perhaps you have never had those in either of these ways to care for or nurture. But you have had a mother’s heart for many who have crossed your path. It may have been a niece or nephew, a bff’s child, a child who was in a very dysfunctional situation that you tried to encourage, or some other situation. A maternal instinct compelled you to have a concern for someone that society would not say was your responsibility. But you have loved them and made a positive difference in their life. Happy Mothers’ Day to you.
Another group that I would like to recognize on this day are those whose birth assignment may not have been that of female. But you have a mama bear’s fierce heart of care for her cubs. You have made a difference and there are those who feel loved and protected because of you. Happy Mothers’ Day to you.
Finally, I would like to recognize a group who will probably be hoping this day will quickly pass. You are that one who had to terminate a life that started within you. This is not a condemnation, judgment, or attempt to lay a guilt trip on you. It is likely that you have done that to yourself far more than anyone else could. In all likelihood you came to that decision out of agonized desperation and/or a carefully deliberated thought process which led you to believe this was the absolute best choice for the life you carried inside you. Being a mother involves making very difficult decisions. I thank God I have never been in such a situation. But for those reading this who may have been, whether anyone else may be able to understand or agree with the decision you made, I commend you for the courage you had to make the difficult decision. Happy Mothers’ Day to you.
You are loved. Peace.