I am writing this blog one week after being cut open on an operating table. To say the least, my life has been interrupted. There are so many pits of darkness about this that I could easily step into. I may yet take a tumble into one of these soul sucking sinkholes of despair. But it is not this day. It will not be without a fight. I will resist the tempting urge to feel sorry for myself and be overwhelmed by the death inducing darkness of despair with all my being.
And I want to encourage you to do the same. While my normal life interrupter may be different from the one you are currently dealing with or the one coming your way just over the horizon, I know that all of us have those undesired events and situations that interrupt and inconvenience our lives. It is so easy to give in to the darkness. I know, I have done so far, far too often in my life.
But, as I was up and moving, albeit painfully, a few days after my surgery, I became aware of positive things that were still a part of my life. I realized that I was faced with a decision. I had a choice about where I would focus my attention. And, I felt the life that was possible from the positive as well as the death that loomed in the despair. I am making the choice at this moment to open myself to life. I want to urge you to do the same.
I am being intentionally vague about both the negative and positive things currently surrounding me. My negative things may not be as dark as yours and my positive things may be more numerous and positive than those you have to draw upon. But, the validity of the precept I am putting forth remains. Focus on the positive will lift you up to a better place. Giving in to the negative, while so often the easiest to do, never brings us to a better place.
I am betting on you. I am betting that you have an ability and strength that you may not know or believe you possess. You can choose (it is a moment by moment choice, not a once and over thing) the positive way. You do have positive possibilities in your life. I have faith in your ability to find and activate those life-giving resources.
You are loved. Peace.