When I started this blog I entitled it, “What If.” The thought behind it had to do with what was going on in my own life. I had stepped away from a life of being a Christian (Southern Baptist) pastor. I was burned out and disillusioned with God and the “Christian” community. An openness to the validity and insight to be gained from other philosophies and religions caused me to look at stories from the Bible in a whole new way. I had begun to have a what if approach to this book that broadened my perspective. I started the blog with the idea that my what if moments might be helpful to others also.
Over time, however, I saw myself evolving. As I came to be more and more at peace with the transition that was/is occurring in my life, the more I came to be less concerned with trying to get others to be open to looking at traditional interpretations of the Bible in a new light. How you view this book is no longer a main concern of mine.
There is, however, an underlying driving motive in my makeup that has caused a shift in how I approach this blog. I believe that all of us struggle with life. We struggle with our relationship to others and also our relationship with ourselves. I want to help you with your struggle. I hate to see anyone hurting or causing others to hurt. I am trying to help you lessen the pain in your own life and lessen the pain you may cause others by unwise words and/or actions.
I try to accomplish this through the sharing of insights, attitudes, and perspectives that have
helped me reduce the pain I inflict on myself and others.
Do I have all the answers? Hardly. Do I think that everything I share that has worked for me is the only way that will work for you? No way. Each of us is unique and special. Insights and approaches to life that work for me will not necessarily work for you. Things that I share that may help you and me at this current time will not necessarily do so for the rest of our lives.
I am not trying to present myself as an expert or suggest that approaches I propose are the only valid ways be accepted. I am offering perspectives and approaches to you that I have found helpful. Test them for yourself. If they help, then I am happy to have helped you reduce the pain in your life. If they do not help, please keep seeking. You are a person of great worth with positive gifts to give to this world. Don’t waste time beating yourself up or believing you are worthless. Find the way that will help you live the fulfilling existence you are meant to live.
Life, just like this blog, is constantly evolving and changing.
Think about it.
You are loved. Peace.