“One kind word can change someone’s entire day.” Andrea Reiser
I ran across this quote the other day when I was doing a search in one of my apps on the word “kindness.” I love it. In many ways this summarizes one of my driving philosophies for living my life. It also encapsulates what I am trying to encourage you to do.
There are two reasons I believe in this philosophy. One is my belief that every person you meet is struggling with something in their life. It may not be an overwhelming thing at the moment. If not, a kind word makes a good day just a bit better.
It may be, however, that their soul is currently in the depths of hell. The mushroom cloud of a megaton detonation of despair has geysered forth from the core of their being. They are on the point of doing great harm to themselves and/or others. One kind word from you or me might be the only thing that can pull them out of their freefall into the pit.
I remember a close friend telling me a story he heard about a homeless person. This person was living on the street. Ratty clothes, unkempt appearance, no job. My friend heard this once homeless person relate how someone addressed him respectfully while still in his homeless state as, “Sir.” That one kind word turned his entire world around.
The second reason this philosophy is so dear to me has to do with the benefit you and I gain from practicing it. It is my core belief that we are created to do good. Whenever we speak a word or perform an act of kindness to a fellow traveler, then we are fulfilling our purpose. This, in turn, not only benefits the recipient, but also the giver. We are making a positive choice. We are lighting a candle against the darkness.
Perhaps you think the title of today’s post is a bit overambitious – “Be a World Changer.” Just one kind word. If it does nothing else, it changes your world, at least for a moment, when you make the choice to give it.
Be a world changer.
Think about it.
You are loved. Peace.