Hey! So Glad You're Here.
This site is intended to be a safe space primarily for those brought up in a conservative Christian tradition who have come to question a little, a lot, or all of the things they have been taught. This site will strive to be a place where those people can find encouragement and safety to question and reexamine teachings and beliefs that no longer seem trustworthy, reliable, or helpful.
I will encourage this by sharing propositions and thoughts that reflect ways my own thinking has changed after a lifetime of viewing faith and life through the filter of conservative-evangelical Baptist Christian teaching.
I am not in any way trying to present myself as an expert in these matters. I am simply a fellow traveler hoping to help anyone who is struggling with questions the same as mysefl.
I am not trying to tell you what you ought to think. My content reflects opinions I hold to be true at the time I share them. However, as someone with an open-minded approach, my views and opinions are subject to change.
I am not trying to win you over to my way of thinking. I want to encourage you to think, not tell you what to think.